On NaNoWriMo with a full-time job and overtime hours this month…

I am in over my head. I’m fixing up an academic paper to send in with my graduate school applications. I’m trying to keep up with this blog. I’m neck deep in rewrites for NaNoWriMo. This is probably our busiest month at work this year. And i want to write more short stories and poetry.

I need to get organized if I hope to accomplish even a fraction of this list. In the interest of preserving my sanity, my posts this month will be of the poetic variety. I have stuff to do, and precious little time. This idea–a serial poem in parts– has been pinging around in my brain for nearly a year. It’s time to eject it.

Part I is posted.

The rest are on the way.

On Winter


Part I

I cannot remember a gentler December

With so many blue sky days

And grass so green, and birds and all,

Choosing this year to stay

A little bit longer than when winter’s stronger

Before they all fly away,

And now so deep in February’s thrall

With earth and sky matched gray

I long for the joyous chirping and chorus

Of little birds having their say

Flitting here and perching there

Enjoying the sun’s bright rays.