Letters from Camp…NaNoWriMo!

Monday, April 1st

Guys! Camp is great! There’s so much to do and they give us free time every day to explore. The writing cabin has so many resources and different rooms devoted to each genre. Did you know you change how you track your goals? You don’t even have to write a novel. I can edit my WIP or write a screenplay. It’s amazing.

My goal this year, in the spirit of doing things differently, is to edit 100 pages of my WIP manuscript. I want to finish it this year. I’ll give you an update in my next letter.

Happy Camping!


Saturday, April 6th

What a terrible first week. I wandered off trail and got into a patch of melancholy ivy. I couldn’t shake the blues for days. I heard the poets’ room had some supplies to help with that. So, I dragged my sorry, sunburnt carcass over there and got some surprising inspiration.

My new goal is 50 poems. I’m on track to hit that, too. I’m already making progress. The poets also told me I don’t have to forge my own trail. I have a cabin full of new friends waiting to offer mutual support. What a day!

I also got my first care package. Things are maybe looking up after all.

Happy Camping!


Tuesday, April 9th

I signed up for too many activities, and I’ve neglected my writing. I dropped macramé off of my schedule and slotted in critique time with my cabin counselor. That helped immensely. Now if only the weather would improve. There’s nothing like an invigorating hike to the Waterfall of Inspiration to get the creative juices flowing. I promise I’ll stick to the path this time.

Happy Hiking!


Wednesday, April 10th

I found a book of poetry tucked under a log as I returned to my cabin yesterday. I read the first long poem last night and I couldn’t sleep for the sheer number of ideas pouring from my brain. I must get writing now.

Happy Rhyming!


Friday, April 12th

Something strange is happening. I think trying out a different genre may have given me insights into editing my novel. The ideas keep coming. Don’t worry, I’m keeping a list for when camp is over. For now, I’m holding steady with the poems, and you know what? I’m halfway done at the halfway point.

I’m also getting along with my cabin mates really well. This is the chattiest cabin I’ve been in. I hope to have as much fun at the end of the month as at the beginning. Campfire stories are the best for inspiration and little scares.

Happy Camping!


Tuesday, April 16th

What a productive day! I sat my butt down under a shady tree and wrote a ton. We had a rest day due to some wasp issues by the volleyball pith, so I grabbed some granola bars and a water bottle and headed for the pavilions across from the soccer fields. They were packed.

I ended up circling some back trails until I found a quiet corner to sit and write and contemplate the leaves. Twelve more pages/poems to go!

Happy Trails!

R. A. Opp